Our team
Darren Norris

James P. Gibbs

Fernanda Michalski

Darren is a biologist with experience in studies with vertebrates in tropical forests. He worked with reindeer in the Arctic and primates and other mammals in Africa and the Brazilian Amazon. Currently, he is a lecturer at the Federal University of Amapá and is supervising MSc and PhD students. He is conducting studies investigating the role of mammals in catalizing the restoration of degraded areas close to hyperdiverse tropical forests.
James is Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Environmental and Forest Biology at the State University of New York's College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) in Syracuse, New York. He is an adjunct faculty member at Columbia University in the City of New York and the Charles Darwin Foundation in Galapagos, Ecuador, and Vice Chair with the Siberian Altai Assistance Project.
Fernanda is a biologist with particular interest in conservation biology and the ecological consequences of habitat fragmentation. Over the past 10 years she has been developing and coordinating research projects in the Brazilian Amazon, exploring faunal and floral responses to anthropogenic perturbations. Currently, she is a lecturer at the Federal University of Amapá and is supervising MSc and PhD students in the Tropical Biodiversity Post-Graduation Programme.